Plan Away Tuesday: Planner Walkthrough

This is going to be what will hopefully be on every other Tuesday.  For the start of this I figured it was probably prudent to go through what my planner currently looks like.  I am currently using a Levenger Smooth Sliver with Pockets cover with 1″ Twilight discs also from Levenger.  I did start my discbound life with the Staples Arc system though and I really do prefer their lined paper to that from Levenger.

SAM_3571On the inside of the cover I keep a few different sizes and shapes of post-it notes (I have a ton of them to choose from in my stash).  I do try and coordinate it, relatively speaking, to the month.  The first thing I have in my planner is a dashboard, although sometimes I do have an inside cover that I use as a dashboard.  I just use it to stash the post-it notes that have longer term lists.


Then comes the actual calendar/planning portion of my planner.  I keep all 12 months worth of month on 2 pages and 2 months worth of week on 2 pages.  I had been keeping 3 months worth of weekly pages since I was decorating a whole month at a time, but it just got to be too much bulk in my planner and I don’t need that many weekly pages at all.

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I also keep a budget tracker and blank notes page between each month on 2 pages spread and the week on 2 pages spreads.


After that I have the printout of my work holidays and an important dates section.  At the very back of my planner section I have 3 sheets of sticker book paper.

I keep a poly 2 pocket divider from the M by Staples line in between my planner section and the ‘notebook’ section of my planner.  The front pocket holds all the functional stickers that I used all the time in my planner (chores, bills due, etc.) and the back pocket keeps mostly receipts.


At the very front of the notebook section I keep 2 laminated pictures from my wedding and a clear acetate sheet that showcases all the washi I have a full roll of.


The notes section houses my Project Pan tracking sheet, workout tracking sheet, pen swatches, and my perfect office dream board.  The budget section has a budget ledger for my crafting budget, my end of week budget amounts, and my slush fund tracking sheet.  Right now I don’t have anything in the Phi Sigma Sigma section, but I’m sure it will be filled to the brim if I get chosen to be the financial advisor of my chapter.  My Etsy section keeps product ideas, sample planner inserts, and my blog/Etsy month of 2 pages schedule.  At the very back I just keep a bunch of paper in all varieties.


What’s in your planner?