Welcome to Simply Annod!

Hi everyone and welcome to my little piece of the interwebs!  I thought today would be the perfect time to just tell you guys a little bit about myself and what this blog is going to be all about.

My name is Donna and I’m a 26 year old software engineer currently residing in the LA area.  My journey with blogging started about 4 years ago when I first moved out here to LA to be with my then boyfriend.  Since then my life priorities and views have changed.  I bought a house, got married, and have truly realized that I cannot wait until my hubs and I move out of this state.  It’s gorgeous, but the taxes are crazy.

This blog is going to be my outlet for all my personal finance advice (I used to be my sorority’s treasurer for over 3 years and I’ve seen and heard a lot of crazy) and everything that has to do with planning and time management.  These are just a few things that I’m super passionate about after seeing and hearing everything.  These are two crucial things that they just don’t teach in school (or didn’t when I was in school anyway).

So if you’re interested, please follow and feel free to ask me any questions you may have.